"Far Beyond" will be released here very shortly! Check back for updates on where you can buy it, and listen! :)
Please also check out my areas where I'm posting:
I'll continue to post here, on newgrounds.
Also, I've set up a youtube account to have videos of demos and songs, check it out!
To expand everywhere, I've also made a artist page on facebook! Additional videos, promos, demos are put up! Check it out and like it!
My soundcloud that I set up: http://soundcloud.com/djshootingstar
I still need to finish uploading more tracks.
I also got a song in a mix!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0ltM2k wl0o
Listen and enjoy!
Looks LOVELY :) Do you think I can join 5LINE Records too? I mean, I'm not that bad, Night Runner has over 8000 dls