Edit: To whomever comes up with a name for me, they will receive 25% off my latest album, and also recieve a free track from me.
Sadly, to be able to sell my music and things I will need to come up with a new artist name to sell it by. So far, some ideas have been:
(fill in the blank)_______star
and others as such.
I'm also looking for a professional sounding name, something that sounds good, and will help make my music become more popular. Also I personally would like it to reflect my genre of trance, or something along that line.
If you have any ideas, they would be VERY much appreciated in my quest to come up with a new name.
Thanks so much!!
shootingstar isnt that bad...
how about "burntstar"
I got the idea from my name
Well, here's the case. As much as I'd love to keep ShootingStar, it just wouldn't work out so that's why I'm looking for a new name.
But thanks for the idea! I'll definitely add it to the list to choose from ;)